Time: | July 11, 2023, 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. |
Venue: | Universität Stuttgart Abteilung SOWI VII Raum: 2.41 (4. Stock) Breitscheidstraße 2 70174 Stuttgart |
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Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums der Abteilung SOWI VII freuen wir uns ganz herzlich, Dr. Ines Rehbein (Universität Mannheim) mit dem Vortrag "Towards modelling populist rhetoric in political text" bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Towards modelling populist rhetoric in political text
Ines Rehbein
Populism is a complex concept that, due to its fuzziness, eludes strict definition. While most scholars agree that anti-elitism, people-centrism and a moralisation of the discourse are core components of populism, it is not yet clear how we can model it.
In the talk, we will discuss challenges for automatically detecting populist rhetoric in text and present first steps towards populism detection, focussing on the concept of "people-centrism". We then extend our approach to explore how politicians from different parties talk about members of "the people" and "the elite". Our work is relevant for the development of automatic measures of populism from text.
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