Elisa Deiss-Helbig


Research Fellow



Elisa Deiss-Helbig was a research associate at the Institute for Social Sciences at the University of Stuttgart. Her research and teaching areas include party research (party competition, electoral promises, candidate selection, far-right parties) and research on political representation with a focus on substantive and descriptive representation of minorities. Since October 2021, she works as principal investigator on the DFG-funded project "Group targeting and citizens’ responses to electoral promises and their realization (GROUPTA)" and since June 2022 she is one of the three PIs (with Dr. Isabelle Guindaudeau, CEE, Sciences Po, and Prof. Dr. Theres Matthieß, University of Trier) of the DFG-ANR funded project "Unequal mandate responsiveness? How electoral promises and their realizations target groups in France and Germany (UNEQUALMAND)". 

Previously, she was in charge of the German-French joint-degree study program with Sciences Po Bordeaux and held a (temporary) teaching position at Sciences Po (Nancy Campus). From October 2019 to June 2021, she also provided academic support for the project "BePart - Teilhabe beginnt vor Ort!" funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Federal Agency of Civic Education (bpb) together with Prof. Dr. Andreas Wüst.

  1. 2022

    1. Goldberg, F., Deiss-Helbig, E., & Bernhagen, P. (2022). Mitgenommen und dennoch abgehängt? Themenkongruenz und wahrgenommene politische Responsivität in Ost- und Westdeutschland. In M. Elff, K. Ackermann, & H. Giebler (Eds.), Wahlen und politische Einstellungen in Ost- und Westdeutschland. Persistenz, Konvergenz oder Divergenz? (pp. 89–116). Springer VS.
    2. Deiss-Helbig, E., & Remer, U. (2022). Does the Local Presence of Asylum Seekers Affect Attitudes toward Asylum Seekers? Results from a Natural Experiment. European Sociological Review, 38(2), Article 2. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcab036
  2. 2021

    1. Deiss-Helbig, E. (2021). Do different candidate selection methods produce different types of candidates? An analysis of the German case. In G. Sandri & A. Seddone (Eds.), New Paths for Selecting Political Elites. Investigating the impact of inclusive candidate and party leader selection methods (pp. 180–203). Routledge.
  3. 2019

    1. Deiss-Helbig, E. (2019). “Within the secret garden of politics” : candidate selection and the representation of immigrant-origin citizens in Germany [Dissertation]. https://doi.org/10.18419/opus-10356
  4. 2018

    1. Deiss-Helbig, E., Squarcioni, L., & Schindler, D. (2018). Where is the party? Party work and party representation in the district. In O. Gabriel, E. Kerrouche, & S. Schüttemeyer (Eds.), Political Representation in France and Germany: Activities of MPs and Views of Citizens (pp. 117–139). Palgrave.
    2. Brouard, S., Deiss-Helbig, E., & Dageförde, M. (2018). Do candidates’ ethnic background and gender matter? An experimental approach. In O. Gabriel, E. Kerrouche, & S. Schüttemeyer (Eds.), Political Representation in France and Germany: Activities of MPs and Views of Citizens (pp. 309–339). Palgrave.
  5. 2017

    1. Deiss-Helbig, E. (2017). Repräsentation von Frauen in der lokalen Politik. In M. Tausendpfund & A. Vetter (Eds.), Politische Orientierungen von Kommunalpolitikern im Vergleich (pp. 387–413). Springer VS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-16398-3_12
    2. Deiss-Helbig, E. (2017). Les modes de sélection des candidats affectent-ils la représentation parlementaire des minorités d’origine étrangère? Une analyse des élections législatives allemandes de 2013. Politique et Sociétés, 36(2), Article 2. https://doi.org/10.7202/1040413ar
  6. 2014

    1. Deiss-Helbig, E. (2014). Im “secret garden of politics”: Visible minority-Aspiranten zur Bundestagswahl 2013. Mitteilungen Des Instituts Für Deutsches Und Europäisches Parteienrecht Und Parteienforschung, 20, 160–169.
  7. 2013

    1. Deiss-Helbig, E. (2013). “Ich bin einer von Euch” -- Zur Bedeutung sozialer und politischer Kongruenz von Abgeordneten und Bürgern für das Gelingen von Repräsentation. Zeitschrift Für Parlamentsfragen, 44(3), Article 3.
    2. Brouard, S., Costa, O., Deiss-Helbig, E., & Kerrouche, E. (2013). From Theory to Practice: Citizens’ Attitudes about Representation in France. Journal of Legislative Studies, 19(2), Article 2. https://doi.org/110.1080/13572334.2013.787196
  8. 2012

    1. Tiberj, V., Deiss-Helbig, E., & Kerrouche, E. (2012). The “Value Connection”: MPs, voters and values in three European countries. Representation, 48(4), Article 4. https://doi.org/10.1080/00344893.2012.720886
    2. Dageförde, M., & Deiss-Helbig, E. (2012). Die Unterstützung des Parlaments: Bestimmt durch die Arbeit von Abgeordneten oder den Zugang der Bürger zum politischen System? Ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich. In S. Keil & I. Thaidigsmann (Eds.), Zivile Bürgergesellschaft und Demokratie. Aktuelle Ergebnisse der empirischen Politikforschung (pp. 387–412). Springer VS.
  9. 2011

    1. Kerrouche, E., Brouard, S., Deiss-Helbig, E., & Schnatterer, T. (2011). Les deux Sénats: mode de scrutin et profil des sénateurs français. Pôle Sud, 35, 113–128.
  • Winter semester 2021/22:
    Political representation and social inequality

  • Summer semester 2021:
    Race and Ethnicity in American Politics (taught in English)

  • Winter semester 2020/21:
    Methods and Applied Statistics in the Social Sciences
    Evolution of the German party system 

  • Winter semester 2019/20:

    Methods and Applied Statistics in the Social Sciences
    Evolution of the German party system (at Sciences Po Bordeaux)

  • Summer semester 2019:
    Populist Radical Right Parties in (Western) Europe

Since 2021
Principal investigator on the DFG-funded project "Group targeting and citizens’ responses to electoral promises and their realization (GROUPTA)" and research associate University of Stuttgart, Institute for Social Sciences, Department of Political Systems and Political Sociology

Research associate, lecturer and coordinator French-German Joint-Degree Program (full time), University of Stuttgart, Institute for Social Sciences, Department of Political Systems and Political Sociology

Academic support for the project "BePart - Teilhabe beginnt vor Ort!", together with Andreas Wüst

PhD in Political Science (Dr. rer. pol.), University of Stuttgart (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oscar W. Gabriel).

Lecturer (temporary), Sciences Po (Campus de Nancy)

Research associate (full time), Centre Emile Durkheim, Sciences Po Bordeaux, for the CITREP-research project (“Citizens and Representatives in France and Germany”) funded by the DFG/ANR

Study of Political Science and French, University of Stuttgart and Sciences Po Bordeaux (Degree: M.A. (Magister Artium))

CV (english language)

  • "Who deserves? Explaining individual variations in the deservingness perceptions of social groups", 23.-25. Juni 2022, 12th Annual Conference EPSA, Prag, mit Isabelle Guinaudeau und Theres Matthieß.

  • "Retrospective pledge voting, policy consistency and group belonging: A survey experimental test on voters’ reactions to group targeted pledge performance", 23.-25. Juni 2022, 12th Annual Conference EPSA, Prag, mit Theres Matthieß und Isabelle Guinaudeau.

  • "From Electoral Pledges to Coalition Agreements: Coalition bargaining and policy payoffs in Germany (2002‑2021)", 30.-31. März 2022, Paneltagung der DVPW-Sektion Regierungsforschung und der Schader-Stiftung "Jetzt wird regiert? Aktuelle Herausforderungen der deutschen Koalitionsdemokratie", Darmstadt, mit Isabelle Guinaudeau.

  • "Unequal responsiveness, group targeting & electoral pledges", 9.-10. Dezember 2021, Online Workshop of the Comparative Party Pledges Project, mit Isabelle Guinaudeau und Theres Matthieß. 

  • "Targeting social groups in electoral promises", 14.-16. September 2021, 28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, mit Isabelle Guinaudeau.

  • "Parties as Transmission Belts: How well do parties in Germany represent citizens and influence the government agenda?", 30. August - 3. September 2021, ECPR Virtual General Conference 2021, mit Felix Goldberg und Patrick Bernhagen.
  • "Parties as Transmission Belts: How well do parties in Germany represent citizens and influence the government agenda?", 1.-3. September, 13th Annual Conference of the Comparative Agendas Project (CAP), Aarhus, mit Felix Goldberg und Patrick Bernhagen

  • "From Electoral Pledges to Coalition Agreements: Coalition bargaining and policy payoffs in Germany (2005-2017)", 24.-28 August 2020, ECPR Virtual General Conference 2020, mit Isabelle Guinaudeau.

  • "Parties' attention towards the refugee issue: Exploring issue attention in parliamentary debates", 4.-7. September 2019, ECPR General Conference 2019, Wroclaw.

  • "Exploring the Impact of Local Presence on Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers", 6.-9. September 2017, ECPR General Conference 2017, Oslo, mit Uwe Remer-Bollow. paper

  • "Digging the 'secret garden of politics': An exploration of the role of formal and informal candidate selection processes regarding ethnic minority representation", 24.-28. April 2016, ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops 2016, Pisa.

  • "Within the 'secret garden of politics': Exploring candidate selection from a party internal perspective", 12.-13. Februar 2016, VII. Düsseldorfer Graduiertenkonferenz Parteienwissenschaften, Düsseldorf.

  • "Does ethnic background matter? Using a mixed-methods approach to study party selectors’ preferences", 16.-19. April 2015, 73rd annual MPSA conference, Chicago.

  • "Die Relevanz des Migrationshintergrundes bei der innerparteilichen Kandidatenauswahl – Eine Analyse der Präferenzen der Parteiselektoren anhand eines mixed-methods Designs", 6.-7. Februar 2015, VI. Düsseldorfer Graduiertenkonferenz Parteienwissenschaften, Düsseldorf.

  • "The Nomination of Minority Candidates for the 2013 German Legislative Elections: Testing the 'Catch-All Party' Hypothesis", 3.-6. September 2014, ECPR General Conference, Glasgow.

  • "Ethnic minorities in the German parliament: Analyzing the role of candidate selection within political parties with particular respect to the 2013 federal election", 14.-15. Juli 2014, Annual BAGSS Conference (ABC): Migration and Integration Research, Bamberg.

  • "Party Politics on the Ground: Comparing the Relationship of MPs and Their Local Parties in France and Germany", 26-28. Juni 2014, Second General Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments, Wien, mit Danny Schindler und Laure Squarcioni.

  • "Ethnische Minderheiten im Deutschen Bundestag: Eine Untersuchung der Rolle parteiinterner Kandidatenauswahl am Beispiel der Bundestagswahlen 2013", 7.-8. Februar 2014, V. Düsseldorfer Graduiertenkonferenz Parteienwissenschaften, Düsseldorf.

  • "Ethnic minority candidates in Germany: Political parties as main gatekepers to elected office?", 4.-7. September 2013, ECPR General Conference, Bordeaux.

  • "Représentation politique des minorités ethniques dans le parlement allemand: Le rôle de la sélection des candidats au sein des partis politiques", 24-26. April 2013, 5ème congrès du réseau des associations francophones de science politique, Luxembourg.

  • "MPs and parties in France". "Repräsentation im Wahlkreis - Bevölkerung und Abgeordnete in Deutschland und Frankreich", 07. - 08. November 2012, DVparl-CITREP Konferenz, Berlin, mit Laure Squarcioni.

  • “Mandatsausübung versus Eingebundenheit: Die Determinanten der Performanzbewertung des Parlaments im deutsch-französischen Vergleich“, 24.-28. September 2012, DVPW-Kongress, Tübingen, mit Mirjam Dageförde.

  • “Support for the national parliament: Driven by MPs’ behavior or by citizens’ nearness to the political system? The case of France and Germany”, 08.-12. Juli 2012, IPSA World Congress, Madrid, mit Mirjam Dageförde.

  • “Ethnic minorities in parliament in France and Germany: The role of candidate selection within political parties”, 30. November - 2. Dezember 2011, Conference & Doctoral Workshop “Parliamentary legitimization and democratic government in France and in the European Union”, Bordeaux.

  • “From Theory to Practice: Political Representation in France”, Oktober 2011, IPSA Workshop “Changing Modes of Parliamentary Representation”, Prag, gemeinsam mit Sylvain Brouard, Olivier Costa, Eric Kerrouche und Tinette Schnatterer.

  • “Choosing an MP in France and Germany: The impact of political, gender and ethnic features”, 1. – 4. September 2011, APSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, gemeinsam mit Sylvain Brouard, Mirjam Dageförde, Viviane Le Hay, Florian Rabuza und Vincent Tiberj.
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