This image shows Niklas Donth

Niklas Donth


Academic Staff Member
Institute for Social Sciences
Department of Political Science and Political Sociology


Breitscheidstr. 2
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 4.69

Office Hours

Please make an appointment by e-mail.


I am deeply interested in how and why people form preferences and opinions in the political space and their subsequent vote choices. Furthermore, I have a keen interest in the strategic intersection between party strategies and voter behavior. In my PhD project, I focus on the role of Left-Authoritarian voters in the electoral competition between Social Democracy and the Populist Radical Right in Europe.

I’m currently focusing on growing as a scientist by learning and employing causal inference methods derived from the counterfactual causal model. Methodologically, I am also interested in the application of Bayesian statistics and Causal Machine Learning Methods.

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