This image shows Ann-Kathrin Radig

Ann-Kathrin Radig


Academic Staff Member
Institute for Social Sciences
Department of Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies


Seidenstraße 36
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 2.21

Office Hours

Please contact me using E-Mail for an appointment


Economic Sociology, Organizational Sociology, sociology of work, technical sociology
Digitization, Internet, Transformation processes in economic sectors

Large, Rudolf O./Merminod, Nathalie/Paché, Gilles/Radig, Ann-Kathrin 2018: L’utilisation du modèle de l’action raisonnée en logistique: Etat de l’art et avenues de recherche. In : Management & Avenir. No. 106, 107-131.

Radig, Ann-Kathrin 2015: Der Wandel des deutschen Videoverleihmarktes durch Digitalisierung und Internet. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Organisations- und Innovationssoziologie, 2015-01.

Doctorate in social sciences (Dr.rer.pol.) at the University of Stuttgart

Since April 2021:
Research fellow at the Department of Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies, University of Stuttgart

2014 – 2019:
Research Fellow at the Department of General Business Studies, Logistics and Supply Management, University of Stuttgart 

Master’s study program Empirical Political and Social Research, University of Stuttgart

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