This image shows Vanessa Schwaiger

Vanessa Schwaiger


Academic Staff Member
Institute for Social Sciences
Department of Political Theory and Empirical Democracy


Breitscheidstr. 2
70174 Stuttgart


Vanessa Schwaiger is a PhD student at the University of Stuttgart. Her research explores the democratic preferences and imaginations of disadvantaged and underrepresented groups with a particular focus on the interplay between objective placement in society and subjective feelings such as deprivation. Her broader research interests include democratic preferences, identity, and quantitative methods.

Schwaiger, Vanessa & Bächtiger, André (2024). ‘Stick to the status quo’? A conjoint experiment with German adolescents on democratic designs. European Journal of Political Research. DOI: 10.1111/1475-6765.12697.

Bächtiger, André & Schwaiger, Vanessa (2022). Deliberative Innovations and the (Re-)Inclusion of Underrepresented Citizens. In Claudia Landwehr, Thomas Saalfeld and Armin Schäfer (eds), Contested Representation Challenges, Shortcomings and Reforms (pp. 259-276). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Since August 2022
PhD Candidate in the ERC-Project „DDME - Designing Democracy on Mars and Earth: Exploring Citizens´ Democratic Preferences in a Deliberative and Co-Creative Design”

September 2021 – August 2022
Research Associate in the project „Youth Study Baden-Württemberg 2022“

August 2021
M.A. in Empirical Political and Social Research at the University of Stuttgart

November 2018- August 2021
Research Assistant at the Department of Political Theory and Empirical Democracy Research (University of Stuttgart)

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