This image shows Florian Spohr

Florian Spohr


Academic Staff Member
Institute for Social Sciences
Department of Political Science and Political Sociology


Breitscheidstr. 2
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 4.93

Office Hours

on appointment


  • Interest groups and lobbying
  • Labour market policies
  • Policy analysis
  • European Union


Spohr, F. (2023). Lobbyismus? Frag doch einfach! München: UTB.

Büsken, F. & Spohr, F. (2023). The Impact of German MPs’ Outside Activities on their Parliamentary Careers. German Politics, online first.


Ress, S. & Spohr, F. (2022): Was it worth it? The impact of the minimum wages' introduction on union membership of employees in the low wage sector. Economic and Industrial Democracy 43(4): 1699–1723.

Beckmann, F. & Spohr, F. (2022). Arbeitsmarkt und Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Grundlagen, Wandel, Zukunftsperspektiven, Stuttgart: UTB.


Spohr, F. (2021). Der Zugang öffentlicher und wirtschaftlicher Interessen zum Deutschen Bundestag. Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 31(2): 267–289, 2021. [Open Access]

Cross, J.P., Eising, R., Hermansson, H. & Spohr, F. (2021). Business interests, public interests, and experts in parliamentary committees: their impact on legislative change in the German Bundestag. West European Politics 44(2): 354–377.

Spohr, F. (2021). Arbeitsmarkt- und Beschäftigungspolitik. In: U. Andersen, J. Bogumil, S. Marschall & W. Woyke (Eds.), Handwörterbuch des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 15–21.

Spohr, F. (2021). Bundesagentur für Arbeit. In: U. Andersen, J. Bogumil, S. Marschall & W. Woyke (Eds.), Handwörterbuch des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 53–55.


Rasch, D., Spohr, F., Eising, R. & Ress, S. (2020). Uncovering interest group participation in Germany – Web collection of written statements in ministries and the parliament. Interest Groups and Advocacy 9(3): 330–341. [Open Access]


Spohr, F. (2019). Germany’s Labour Market Polices: How the sick man of Europe performed a second economic miracle. In: M. Compton & P. ‘t Hart (Eds.), Great Policy Successes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 283–303. [Open Access]

Spohr, F. (2019). Hinter verschlossenen Türen, Lobbyisten mit Hausausweis im Bundestag. Erschienen auf: [Open Access]


Spohr, F. (2018). Interessen und Informationen in den öffentlichen Anhörungen des Deutschen Bundestages. In: J. Brichzin, D. Krichewsky, L. Ringel & J.  Schank (Eds.), Soziologie der Parlamente. Neue Wege der politischen Institutionenforschung, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 309–335.


Eising, R. & Spohr, F. (2017). The more, the merrier? Interest groups and legislative change in the public hearings of the German parliamentary committees. German Politics 26(2): 314–333.


Spohr, F. (2016). Explaining Path Dependency and Deviation by Combining Multiple Streams Framework and Historical Institutionalism: A Comparative Analysis of German and Swedish Labor Market Policies. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 18(3): 257–272. [Open Access]

Rozbicka, R. & Spohr, F. (2016). Interest Groups in Multiple Streams: Specifying their Involvement in the Framework. Policy Sciences 49(1): 55–69.

Spohr, F. (2016). Path-Departing Labour-Market Reforms in the United Kingdom and Sweden: An Analysis Combining the Multiple-Streams Framework and Historical Institutionalism. In: R. Zohlnhöfer & F. W. Rüb (Eds.), Decision-Making under Ambiguity and Time Constraints: Assessing the Multiple Streams Framework. Harbour House: ECPR Press, 251–269.


Pfadwechsel in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik. Eine Analyse aktivierender Reformen in Großbritannien, Deutschland und Schweden anhand des Multiple Streams Ansatzes, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015.


Eising, R., Pakull, D. & Spohr, F. (2013). Koordinationsprobleme durch nationale Wahlen? Die europäische Verfassungspolitik in Österreich und Irland 2002-2009. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 42(2): 161–179. [Open Access]


Rüb, F. W., Alnor K. & Spohr, F. (2009). Die Kunst des Reformierens. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu einer erfolgreichen Regierungsstrategie. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.

please see german version

since 04/22
Research fellow in DFG-funded project „Lobbying Across Multiple Levels: German Federal Institutions, European Union, and the Länder“, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Stuttgart

11/20 – 03/22
Teacher, web-individualschule, Bochum. 

since 12/17
Speaker, Standing Group on Organised Interests, German Political Science Association (DVPW).

04/14 – 03/16
Research fellow in MERCUR-funded project “Arenas of Political Interest Mediation in Germany”, Ruhr University Bochum.

Doctorate in Social Science at the Ruhr University Bochum.

04/09 – 02/20
Research fellow at the Chair of Comparative Politics, Ruhr University Bochum.

11/07 – 01/09  
Research fellow in DFG-funded project „Das Bundeskanzleramt im Regierungsprozess“, Institute of Political Science, University of Hamburg.

11/06 – 09/07  
Research fellow in Bertelsmann-funded project “Optimierung politischer Reformprozesse”, Institute of Political Science, University of Hamburg.

04/00 – 09/06  
Study of political science and public law at the University of Hamburg. 


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