This image shows Mark Wittek

Mark Wittek


Research Fellow



Mark Wittek is a postdoctoral researcher at the chair for Computational Social Science. His research is located at the intersection of Computational Social Science, Social Networks, and Sociological Theory. His broader research agenda aims to understand how institutional and historical factors shape relational social processes. To this end, he uses statistics, network analysis, and natural language processing. As part of the ERC project Socialbond ( he investigated under which circumstances schools foster network segregation according to students' ethnic group membership, gender, and socioeconomic status. During his dissertation, he investigated contextual moderators for the emergence of elites in various empirical domains and studied status orders in schools, scientific communities, and the Hollywood film industry ( He assumes a brokerage position between Computer Science, Sociology of Science, and Cultural Sociology in his current work. For instance, in an ongoing project, he studies whether the increasingly unequal distribution of resources and recognition in scientific fields hampers innovation.
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