Science and Technology Studies
Human-Machine Interaction
Socio-technical design
(Journal-) Articles
- Wortmeier, A.-K., Calepso, A. S., Kropp, C., Sedlmair, M., & Weiskopf, D. (2023). Configuring augmented reality users: analysing YouTube commercials to understand industry expectations. Behaviour & Information Technology, 0(0), Article 0.
- Bances, E., Wortmeier, A.-K., Bauernhansl, T., Garcia, B., Kropp, C., Schneider, U., & Siegert, J. (2022). Applicability of Exoskeletons in Timber Prefabrication: Actions for Exoskeleton Research. Procedia CIRP, 107, 1210–1215.
- Wortmeier, A.-K., & Kropp, C. (2021). AR-Brillen und Exoskelette in der Baubranche: Einfache Entlastungsversprechen gegenüber komplexen Mensch-Maschine-Konfigurationen. AIS studies, 14(1), Article 1.
- Weiss, A., Wortmeier, A.-K., & Kubicek, B. (2021). Cobots in Industry 4.0: A Roadmap for Future Practice Studies on Human-Robot Collaboration. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 51(4), Article 4.
Contributions to anthologies
- Kropp, C., & Wortmeier, A.-K. (2021). Intelligente Systeme für das Bauwesen: überschätzt oder unterschätzt? In E. A. Hartmann (Ed.), Digitalisierung souverän gestalten. Innovative Impulse im Maschinenbau. Springer Vieweg.
Summer semester 2024
Seminar Robotik und virtuelle Realitäten in der Soziologie
Since 02/2019
Research associate at the Institute for Social Sciences (SOWI), Department of Environmental and Technical Sociology and ZIRIUS
Teaching assignment at the University of Design Schwäbisch-Gmünd, B.A. seminar sociology of multi-agent systems; B.A. lecture sociology of technology
Studies M.A. in Empirical Political and Social Research at the University of Stuttgart: Scientific assistant in the Department of Environmental and Technical Sociology
B.A. in Political and Administrative Sciences at the University of Konstanz, Germany
Projekt „Cyber-physical construction platform“ im Rahmen des Exzellenzclusters IntCDC – Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture.
Project “Reconfiguration of training, skills and digital literacy in the context of IntCDC's cyber-physical prefabrication platforms” within the cluster of excellence IntCDC – Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture.