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His research focus lies in the emerging field of CSS, which aims to bridge social and computer sciences. Since his doctoral studies he has been applying methods from the natural and computer sciences to social phenomena (e.g., the emergence of economic crises, power relations between states, scientific careers, technological breakthroughs). Thematically, his research focuses on the economy and financial markets (Econophysics), political and media debates, and the science system (Science of Science). Methodologically, his main interests are natural language processing, machine learning, social network analysis and, more recently, agent-based modeling. In accordance with these methodological interests, collaboration in interdisciplinary teams is an important cornerstone. Therefore, the department SoWi VII cooperates with researchers from computer science, political and communication sciences, public health, educational research, civil engineering, and natural history.
Raphael Heiberger is a board member of the DGS section Social Network Analysis and has been co-organizing the Trier Summer School on Social Network Analysis for several years. He is leading a research project on ABD funded by the BMFB. Recently, Sowi VII has also been awarded an EU Horizon 2020 project on the international protection of refugees (Protect) as part of a high-ranking international consortium.
- Hanke, S., Sicakkan, H. G., Wolleghem, P. G. V., & Heiberger, R. H. (2024). Policy Actors’ Struggle for Attention: The Role of Peer Networks in the Migration Discourse on Twitter (X). Nonprofit Policy Forum.
- Schwemmer, C., Unger, S., & Heiberger, R. (2023). Chapter 15: Automated image analysis for studying online behaviour. In Research Handbook on Digital Sociology (pp. 278-- 291). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Windzio, M., & Heiberger, R. H. (2022). The Social Ecology of Intergenerational Closure in School Class Networks. Socio-spatial Conditions of Parents’ Norm Generation and Their Effects on Students’ Interpersonal Conflicts. Social Networks.
- Windzio, M., & Heiberger, R. (2022). Talking About Education: How Topics Vary Between International Organizations. In K. Martens & M. Windzio (Eds.), Global Pathways to Education : Cultural Spheres, Networks, and International Organizations (pp. 239--266). Springer International Publishing.
- Sicakkan, H. G., & Heiberger, R. H. (2022). Between Europeanism and Nativism: Exploring a Cleavage Model of European Public Sphere in Social Media. Javnost - The Public, 0(0), Article 0.
- Heiberger, R. H. (2022). Applying Machine Learning in Sociology: How to Predict Gender and Reveal Research Preferences. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift Für Soziologie Und Sozialpsychologie.
- Wieczorek, O., Unger, S., Riebling, J., Erhard, L., Koß, C., & Heiberger, R. (2021). Mapping the field of psychology: Trends in research topics 1995–2015. Scientometrics.
- Kaffai, M., & Heiberger, R. H. (2021). Modeling Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions in the COVID-19 Pandemic with Survey-Based Simulations. PLOS ONE, 16(10), Article 10.
- Heiberger, R. H., Munoz-Najar Galvez, S., & McFarland, D. A. (2021). Facets of Specialization and Its Relation to Career Success: An Analysis of U.S. Sociology, 1980 to 2015. American Sociological Review, 86(5), Article 5.
- Heiberger, R. H., & Muñoz-Najar Galvez, S. (2021). Text Mining and Topic Modelling. In Handbook of Computational Social Science. Routledge.
- Heiberger, R., Majó-Vázquez, S., Castro Herrero, L., Nielsen, R. K., & Esser, F. (2021). Do Not Blame the Media! The Role of Politicians and Parties in Fragmenting Online Political Debate. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 19401612211015120.
- Erhard, L., Heiberger, R. H., & Windzio, M. (2021). Diverse Effects of Mass Media on Concerns about Immigration: New Evidence from Germany, 20012016. European Sociological Review, jcab063.
- Camarasa, C., Heiberger, R., Hennes, L., Jakob, M., Ostermeyer, Y., & Rosado, L. (2020). Key Decision-Makers and Persuaders in the Selection of Energy-Efficient Technologies in EU Residential Buildings. Buildings, 10(4), Article 4.
- Munoz-Najar Galvez, S., Heiberger, R., & McFarland, D. (2019). Paradigm Wars Revisited: A Cartography of Graduate Research in the Field of Education (1980–2010). American Educational Research Journal, 57(2), Article 2.
- Kibanov, M., Heiberger, R. H., Rödder, S., Atzmueller, M., & Stumme, G. (2019). Social studies of scholarly life with sensor-based ethnographic observations. Scientometrics, 119(3), Article 3.
- Heiberger, R. H., & Schmitz, A. (2019). Zur globalen Einbettung nationaler Schuldennetzwerke. In J. Fuhse & K. Krenn (Eds.), Netzwerke in gesellschaftlichen Feldern (pp. 249--274). Springer Fachmedien.
- Breure, A. S. H., & Heiberger, R. H. (2019). Reconstructing science networks from the past. Journal of Historical Network Research, 3(1), Article 1.
- Heiberger, R. H., & Koss, C. (2018). Computerlinguistische Textanalyse und Debatten im Parlament. In J. Brichzin, D. Krichewsky, L. Ringel, & J. Schank (Eds.), Soziologie der Parlamente: Neue Wege der politischen Institutionenforschung (pp. 391--418). Springer Fachmedien.
- Heiberger, R. H. (2018). Predicting economic growth with stock networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 489, 102--111.
- Heiberger, R. H., Schwarzer, B., & Riebling, J. R. (2017). Eine Frage des Marktes? Regionale Unterschiede von Heimentgelten stationärer Pflegeeinrichtungen. Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 27(2), Article 2.
- Heiberger, R. H., & Wieczorek, O. J. (2016). Choosing Collaboration Partners. How Scientific Success in Physics Depends on Network Positions. ArXiv:1608.03251 Physics.
- Heiberger, R. H., & Riebling, J. R. (2016). Installing computational social science: Facing the challenges of new information and communication technologies in social science. Methodological Innovations, 9, 1--11.
- Schmitz, A., Heiberger, R. H., & Blasius, J. (2015). Das globale Feld der Macht als „Tertium Comparationis“. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 40(3), Article 3.
- Heiberger, R. H., & Riebling, J. R. (2015). U.S. and Whom? Structures and Communities of International Economic Research. Journal of Social Structure, 16(9), Article 9.
- Heiberger, R. H. (2015). Shifts in Collective Attention and Stock Networks. In M. T. Thai, N. P. Nguyen, & H. Shen (Eds.), Computational Social Networks (Vol. 9197, pp. 296--306). Springer International Publishing.
- Heiberger, R. H. (2015). Die soziale Konstruktion von Preisen. Beeinflussung von Kultur, Netzwerken und institutionellen Regeln von Aktienkursen. Springer VS.
- Heiberger, R. H. (2015). Die Bedeutung institutioneller Regeln für das Handeln an Börsen. Eine soziologische Perspektive auf Aktienrückkäufe in Deutschland. Berliner Journal für Soziologie, 25(3), Article 3.
- Heiberger, R. H. (2015). Collective Attention and Stock Prices: Evidence from Google Trends Data on Standard and Poor’s 100. PLoS ONE, 10(8), Article 8.
- Heiberger, R. H. (2014). Stock network stability in times of crisis. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 393, 376--381.
- Heinze, T., Heidler, R., Heiberger, R. H., & Riebling, J. (2013). New patterns of scientific growth: How research expanded after the invention of scanning tunneling microscopy and the discovery of Buckminsterfullerenes. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(4), Article 4.
Raphael H. Heiberger studied sociology at the University of Bamberg. During his studies he already specialized in methods and econometrics. Afterwards he did his doctorate in Bamberg on "Social Construction of Prices" (Summa cum Laude), supervised by Prof. Gerhard Schulze and Prof. Richard Münch. Several stays abroad (among others as a researcher at UCLA, a Fulbright Scholarship at UC Berkeley, active member of the McFarland Lab at Stanford University) and a productive postdoc phase at the University of Bremen under Prof. Betina Hollstein led to his appointment at the University of Stuttgart. Since September 2019 he has been a tenure-track professor for "Computational Social Science" (CSS) and is also head of Department VII at the Institute of Social Science.