This image shows Marius Kaffai

Marius Kaffai


Academic staff member
Institute for Social Sciences
Department for Computational Social Science


+49 711 685 81156
+49 711 685 82333

Seidenstraße 36
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 2.067

Office Hours

via appointment by e-mail


The focus of my scientific work lies in the simulation of social phenomena using agent-based modeling. My research specifically examines the relationship between social diffusion processes (e.g., the spread of viruses, norms, or information) and the structure of a society’s social network. I am also working on advancing the integration of empirical data (e.g., survey data) into agent-based models.

Together with Lukas Erhard, I am developing the Python package Pop2net, which simplifies the creation of complex network structures for agent-based models and facilitates the integration of empirical data into such models. For more information, click here: As part of my teaching activities at the Institute for Social Sciences, I have developed an introduction to agent-based modeling with Python in German:

I have been a member of the Chair of Computational Social Science since 2019. Since 2022, I have been working on the project "SoepSim - Improving agent-based modeling by utilizing large-scale survey data," funded by the SimTech Cluster of Excellence.

Modeling non-pharmaceutical interventions in the COVID-19 pandemic with survey-based simulations.

Summer 2022:
Introduction to agent-based modeling using python

Winter 2021/2022:
Introduction to data analyses using R.

Summer 2021:
Introduction to agent-based modeling using python.

Winter 2020/2021:
Introduction to multivariate data analyses using R.

Summer 2020:
Introduction to agent-based modeling using python.

Winter 2019/2020:
Introduction to multivariate data analyses using R.

Since December 2019
Academic staff member at the Institute of Social Science at the University of Stuttgart

Master of Arts in Sociology and Social Research at the Philipps-University Marburg

Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences at the Philipps-University Marburg

Pop2net. (17.09.2024, Social Simulation Conference, Kraków)

SoepSim - Ein Ansatz zur Generierung repräsentativer Kontaktnetzwerke auf Basis des sozio-ökonomischen Panels. (30.09.2022, 41. DGS-Kongress, Bielefeld)

Identifying socioeconomic characteristics of influential spreaders using agent-based modeling. (13.09.2022, Social Simulation Conference, Milan)

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