+49 711 685 81020
+49 711 685 81006
Seidenstr. 36
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 02.045
Office Hours
By appointment only
- Environmental Sociology, Economic Sociology, Organizational Sociology, Science and Technology Studies
- Incumbent enterprises and sustainability transition processes; capitalism and sustainability
Kungl, Gregor, 2024: Challenges of the current discourse on incumbent firms in sustainability transitions. In: Energy Research & Social Science 108, 103367.
Kungl, Gregor, 2023: Field Theory. In: Grasso, Maria / Giugni, Marco (Hg.): Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 185–187.
Kungl, Gregor, 2023: Transitionsforschung und Energiewende. In: Sonnberger, Marco/Bleicher, Alena/Groß, Matthias (Hg.): Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. Heidelberg: Springer VS.
Kungl, Gregor, 2022: Ein grüner Geist des Kapitalismus? Konturen einer neuen Wirtschaftsgesinnung. Glückstadt: Verlag Werner Hülsbusch.
Kungl, Gregor, 2022: Die deutschen Stromkonzerne und erneuerbare Energien. Über organisationale Trägheit und ihre Überwindung. In: Soziologie und Nachhaltigkeit (SuN), Heft 02/2022, 108-138. Volltext
Apajalahti, Eeva-Lotta / Kungl, Gregor, 2022: Path dependence and path break-out in the electricity sector. In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 43, 220-236.
Kungl, Gregor, 2021: Ein grüner Geist des Kapitalismus? Konturen einer neuen Wirtschaftsgesinnung. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Organisations- und Innovationssoziologie 2021-01. Full Text
Kungl, Gregor / Hess, David J., 2021: Sustainability transitions and strategic action fields: A literature review and discussion. In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 38, 22–33. ScienceDirect | Erratum
Kungl, Gregor, 2020: Die deutsche Energiewende: alte Konflikte in neuem Gewand? In: Politikum 6(2), 54-61
Kungl, Gregor, 2018: Die großen Stromkonzerne und die Energiewende. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
Kungl, Gregor / Geels, Frank W. , 2018: Sequence and alignment of external pressures in industry destabilisation: Understanding the downfall of incumbent utilities in the German energy transition (1998-2015). In: Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions (26), 78-100. ScienceDirect
Geels, Frank W. / Kern, Florian/Fuchs, Gerhard/Hinderer, Nele/Kungl, Gregor/Mylan, Josephine/Neukirch, Mario/Wassermann, Sandra, 2017: Die Realisierung soziotechnischer Transformationspfade: Eine reformulierte Typologie und eine vergleichende Mehrebenenanalyse der deutschen und britischen CO2-Reduzierungspolitik im Stromsektor (1990-2014). In: Schippl, Jens/Grunwald, Armin/Renn, Ortwin (Hg.): Die Energiewende verstehen – orientieren – gestalten. Erkenntnisse aus der Helmholtz-Allianz ENERGY-TRANS. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 53–112.
SOI Discussion Paper 2016-02
Kungl, Gregor/Geels, Frank W., 2016: The Destabilisation of the German Electricity Industry (1998-2015). Application and Extension of a Multi-dimensional Framework. Research Contributions to Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies 2016-02. Full Text
Geels, Frank W. /Kern, Florian/Fuchs, Gerhard/Hinderer, Nele/Kungl, Gregor/Mylan, Josephine/Neukirch, Mario/Wassermann, Sandra, 2016: The enactment of socio-technical transition pathways: A reformulated typology and a comparative multi-level analysis of the German and UK low-carbon electricity transitions (1990-2014). In: Research Policy (45), 896-913. Full Text
Kungl, Gregor, 2015: Stewards or sticklers for change? Incumbent energy providers and the politics of the German energy transition. In: Energy Research & Social Science 8, 13–23. ScienceDirect
SOI Discussion Paper 2014-03
Kungl, Gregor, 2014: The Incumbent German Power Companies in a Changing Environment. A Comparison of E.ON, RWE, EnBW and Vattenfall from 1998 to 2013. Research Contributions to Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies 2014-03. Full Text
SOI Discussion Paper 2012-02
Fuchs, Gerhard/Hinderer, Nele/Kungl, Gregor/Neukirch, Mario, 2012: Adaptive Capacities, Path Creation and Variants of Sectoral Change. The Case of the Transformation of the German Energy Supply System. Research Contributions to Organizational Sociology and Innovation Studies 2012-02. Full Text
Since April 2017
Research fellow at the Department of Organisational Sociology and Innovation Studies at the University of Stuttgart
January 2018: Doctorate in social sciences (Dr.rer.pol.). Evaluated with "summa cum laude"
April 2016 to March 2017
Promotion scholarship of the Reiner Lemoine foundation
April 2012 to March 2016
Promotion scholarship of the Helmholtz-Alliance ENERGY-TRANS "Future incrastructures for meeting energy demands. Towards sustainability and social compatibility"
June 2011
Master's degree in sociology, psychology and european ethnology at the University of Augsburg