Time: | July 11, 2022, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. |
Venue: | Universität Stuttgart Abteilung SOWI VII Raum 2.076 Seidenstr. 36 70174 Stuttgart |
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Ort: Seidenstraße 36, Raum 2.076
Im Rahmen des Kolloquiums der Abteilung SOWI VII freuen wir uns ganz herzlich, Patrick Kaminski mit dem Vortrag "The Ties that Bind: Leveraging Social Network Analysis to Combat the US Opiod Epidemic" bei uns begrüßen zu dürfen.
Opioid-related drug overdoses remain a major public health concern despite attempts to reduce and monitor opioid prescriptions and increase access to office-based opioid treatment. Current provider-focused interventions are implemented at the federal, state, regional, and local levels but have not slowed the epidemic. Certain targeted interventions aimed at opioid prescribers rely on well-defined populations such as geographic, political, or administrative boundaries; however, those boundaries may not align well with actual provider-patient communities. Instead of exclusively relying on commonly used geographic and administrative boundaries, we suggest a social network-based approach to identify communities (or clusters) of providers that prescribe to the same set of patients as a vehicle for targeted interventions. To test this approach, we analyze one year of prescription data from a commercially insured population in the state of Indiana. The composition of inferred clusters is compared to Indiana’s Public Health Preparedness Districts (PHPD). We find that in some cases the correspondence between provider networks and PHPDs is very high while in other cases the overlap is low. This has implications for whether an intervention is reaching its intended provider targets efficiently and effectively. Assessing the best intervention targeting strategy for a particular outcome (or, possibly reorganizing PHPDs taking network structure into account) could facilitate more effective interventions to tackle the ongoing drug overdose epidemic.
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