Seidenstr. 36
70174 Stuttgart
Peer-Reviewed and Reviewed Books:
Davidová, M. (2016). Wood as a Primary Medium to Architectural Performance: A Case Study in Performance Oriented Architecture Approached through Systems Oriented Design. Liberec: Technical University of Liberec.
Action Plan:
Bruford, M., Baillie, L., Sanderson Bellamy, A., Cuff, J., Davidová, M., Henderson, K., … Thompson, A. (2020). Cardiff University Ecosystem Resilience and Biodiversity Action Plan (ERBAP) 2021-2023. Cardiff.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
Davidová, M., Sharma, S., McMeel, D, Loisides, F. (2022). Co-De|GT: More-Than-Human Qualities and Values Gamification and Tokenisation. Sustainability, 13, (20), 1-20.
Reviewed Book Chapters:
Davidová, M. (2023). COLife—More-Than-Human Community Codesign: Cocreating Synergetic Post-Anthropocene Within Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance. In A. Rubbo, J. Du, M. Ramsgaard Thomsen, & M. Tamke (Eds.), Design for Resilient Communities (pp. 347–362). Springer, Cham.
Jones, C., & Davidová, M. (2020). Edible Cities of Post-Anthropocene: A Bio-Tech Household. In R. Lastman (Ed.), The City and Complexity – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment (pp. 222–235). London: City University of London.
Dalvi, A., Davidova, M., & Pope, T. (2020). Foodscaping Suburban Housing: The Role of Communal Growing for Social Cohesion and to Reimagine the Cultural mage of SubUrbia. In R. Lastman (Ed.), The City and Complexity – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment (pp. 321–339). London: City University of London.
Lu, Z., Davidova, M., & Pope, T. (2020). Architecture for the Wellbeing of Homeless Youth: Research by Design Project, Pioneering Buskers. In R. Lastman (Ed.), The City and Complexity – Life, Design and Commerce in the Built Environment (pp. 19–35). London: City University of London.
Davidová, M., Zímová, K., & Horák Goryczka, K. (2019). COLridor II for Exhibition Herzan: The builders' family from Třebíč. In K. Horák Goryczka (Ed.), Herzan: Stavitelský rod z Třebíče (1st ed., pp. i-ii). Prague: Czech National Heritage Institute.
Davidová, M. (2018). Roles, Agency and Relations of GIGA-Maps in Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance: The Special Prototypes of Post-Anthropocene. In J. Bean, S. Dickinson, & A. Ida (Eds.), Critical Practice in an Age of Complexity (pp. 114–132). Tucson: University of Arizona.
Davidová, M., Pánek, K., & Pánková, M. (2018). Spiralling Slope as a Real Life Co-Design Laboratory. In J. Bean, S. Dickinson, & A. Ida (Eds.), Critical Practice in an Age of Complexity (pp. 133–142). Tucson: University of Arizona.
Pánek, K., & Davidová, M. (2018). sysloop: An Allopoietic Environment Agency. In J. Bean, S. Dickinson, & A. Ida (Eds.), Critical Practice in an Age of Complexity (pp. 132–141). Tucson: AMPS, Architecture_MPS & University of Arizona.
Davidová, M. (2014). Environmental Summer Pavilion. In M. Nedelka, J. Stibral, & P. Láska (Eds.), FUA 20 (1st ed., pp. 194–201). Liberec: Technical University of Liberec.
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:
Davidová, M., Valverde, M. C., Behnam, H. (2023). BioDiveIn: Leveraging the EcoSystem through Social and Environmental Systems. In C. May, E. Barba (Eds.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD12) 2023 Symposium. Washington: Systemic Design Association.
Davidová, M., Fischer, L., Teye, M. (2022). POL– AI: Leveraging Urban EcoSystem. In B. Sweeting (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD11) 2022 Symposium (pp. 1-11). Brighton: Systemic Design Association.
Davidová, M., Sharma, S., McMeel, D., Loizides, F. (2021). CO-DE|GT BETA: The 21st Century Economy App for CrossSpecies CoLiving. In M. van der Bijl-Brouwer (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD10) 2021 Symposium (pp. 1–10). Delft: Systemic Design Association
Chen, Y., Davidová, M., & Wulff, F. (2020). Gigamapping as City Analysis: A Design-Led Research. In P. Jones (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium (pp. 1–13). Ahmedabad: Systemic Design Association.
Davidová, M. (2020). Synergetic Landscapes Unit: The MultiSpecies BioDigital Community CoDesign. In P. Jones (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium (pp. 1–14). Ahmedabad: Systemic Design Association.
Davidová, M., & Zímová, K. (2020). COLreg: The Collective Regenerative Region. In P. Jones (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium (pp. 1–14). Ahmedabad: Systemic Design Association.
Wang, D., & Davidová, M. (2020). Generating Urban Connectivity Systemic Interventions: Bio-corridors and Their Prototypes. In P. Jones (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium (pp. 1–41). Ahmedabad: Systemic Design Association.
Davidová, M., & McMeel, D. (2020). The CoCreation of Blockchain Circular Economy through Systemic Design. In D. Holzer, W. Nakapan, A. Globa, & I. Koh (Eds.), CAADRIA 2020: Re:Anthropocene - Design in the Age of Humans (Vol. 2, pp. 333–342). Bangkok: Association for Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia.
Davidová, M., & Zavoleas, Y. (2020). Post-Aanthropocene: The Design after the Human Centered Design Age. In D. Holzer, W. Nakapan, A. Globa, & I. Koh (Eds.), CAADRIA 2020: Re:Anthropocene - Design in the Age of Humans (Vol. 2, pp. 203–212). Bangkok: Association for Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia.
Davidová, M. (2019). Breathing Walls, Envelopes and Screens for Cross-Species Co-Living Adaptation of Built Environment: The Bio-Climatic Layers in Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance. In P. Jones (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2019 (pp. 1-24). Chicago: Systemic Design Research Network.
Davidová, M. (2019). Designing Sustainability for All or Co-Designing Sustainability with All? In M. Ambrosio & C. Vezzoli (Ed.), LeNS: Designing Sustainability for All! (pp. 558-563). Milan: LeNS - the Learning Network on Sustainability.
Davidová, M. (2019). Intelligent Informed Landscapes: The Eco-Systemic Prototypical Interventions' Generative and Iterative Co-Designing Co-Performances, Agencies and Processes. In M. Haeusler, M. A. Schnabel, T. Fukuda (Eds.), CAADRIA: Intelligent and Informed (pp. 151–160). Wellington: Victoria University of Wellington.
Davidová, M. (2018). Trans‐Co‐Design in Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance: The Multi‐Layered Media and Agency in Creative Design and Its Processes. In S. Barbero (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2018 Symposium Proceedings: Challenging complexity by Systemic Design towards Sustainability (pp. 387–407). Turin: Systemic Design Research Network.
Davidová, M., & Prokop, Š. (2018). TreeHugger: The Eco-Systemic Prototypical Urban Intervention. In O. Kontovourkis (Ed.), 6th eCAADe RIS 2018 Proceedings (pp. 75–84). Nicosia: University of Cyprus.
Davidová, M., & Zímová, K. (2017). COLridor: Co-Design and Co-Living for Sustainable Futures. In B. Sevaldson (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design 6: Environment, Economy, Democracy: Flourishing Together (pp. 1–20). Oslo: Systemic Design Research Network.
Davidová, M. (2017). Co-Habited, Co-Lived, Co-Designed and Co-Created Eco-Systemic Responsiveness in Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance: A Case Study on Interaction of Performative Solid Wood Envelope Ray and Algae. In M. João de Oliveira & F. Crespo Osório (Eds.), KINE[SIS]TEM: From Nature to Architectural Matter (pp. 36–45). Lisbon: DINÂMIA’CET-IUL ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
Davidová, M., Zatloukal, J., & Zímová, K. (2017). Responsive Transformer: The Bio-Robotic Adaptive Architecture. In F. Mahbub, S. Uddin, & M. A. Khan (Eds.), International Design Conference: DESIGN EVOLUTION [Education and Practice] (pp. 1–8). Karachi: Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture.
Davidová, M., & Uygan, E. (2017). Living in Bio-Climatic Layers: An Investigation of Cappadocian Caves in Relation to Today’s Design and Its Futures. In F. Mahbub, S. Uddin, & A. M. Khan (Eds.), International Design Conference: DESIGN EVOLUTION [Education and Practice] (pp. 1–12). Karachi: Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture.
Davidová, M. (2016). Socio-Environmental Relations of Non-Discrete Spaces and Architectures: Systemic Approach to Performative Wood. In P. Jones (Ed.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2016 Symposium Proceedings (pp. 1–17). Toronto: Systemic Design Research Network.
Davidová, M., & Kočí, V. (2016). Choosing the Material for Environment Responsive Screen Ray: The LCA Comparison. In N. Guimaraes, A. Paio, S. Oliveira, F. C. Osorio, & M. J. Oliveira (Eds.), Architecture In-Play 2016 (pp. 78–84). Lisbon: ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon.
Davidová, M., & Sevaldson, B. (2016). NGO, Practice and University Driven Research By Design on Performative Wood. In M. S. Uddin & M. Sahin (Eds.), 2016 DCA European Conference: Iclusiveness in Design (pp. 509–517). Istanbul: Özyeğin University.
Davidová, M., & Prokop, Š. (2016). Advances in Material Performance of Solid Wood: Loop, the Environmental Summer Pavilion II. In M. S. Uddin & M. Sahin (Eds.), 2016 DCA European Conference: Iclusiveness in Design (pp. 501–507). Istanbul: Özyeğin University.
Davidová, M. (2016). Ray 3: The Performative Envelope. In M. S. Uddin & M. Sahin (Eds.), 2016 DCA European Conference: Inclusiveness in Design (pp. 519–525). Istanbul: Özyeğin University.
Davidová, M., & Sevaldson, B. (2016). 1:1, A Transdisciplinary Prototyping Studio. In J. Slyk & L. Bazerra (Eds.), ASK.the.Conference 2016 (pp. 302–308). Warszaw: Warszaw University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture.
Davidová, M., Šichman, M., & Gsandtner, M. (2014). Material Performance of Solid Wood : Paresite, The Environmental Summer Pavilion. In E. M. Thompson (Ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 139–144). Newcastle upon Tyne: Department of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Davidová, M. (2014). Ray 2: The Material Performance of a Solid Wood Based Screen. In E. Thompson (Ed.), Fusion - Proceedings of the 32nd eCAADe Conference - Volume 2 (Vol. 2, pp. 153–158). Newcastle upon Tyne: Faculty of Engineering and Environment, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Davidová, M. (2014). Generating the Design Process with GIGA-map: The Development of the Loop Pavilion. In B. Sevaldson & P. Jones (Eds.), Relating Systems Thinking and Design 2014 Symposium Proceedings (pp. 1–11). Oslo: AHO.
Davidová, M. (2014). Environmental Material Performance of Solid Wood: pareSITE: The Environmental Summer Pavilion. In R. Cielatkowska & D. Jankowska (Eds.), Wooden architecture, tradition, heritage, present, future – Proceedings1 (pp. 87 – 92). Gdansk: Wydział Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej za zgodą Dziekana.
Davidová, M. (2014). Wood’s Material Performance: Ray2. In R. Cielatkowska & D. Jankovska (Eds.), Wooden architecture, tradition, heritage, present, future – Proceedings1 (pp. 93–99). Gdansk: Wydział Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej za zgodą Dziekana.
Davidová, M. (2009). Exploring Environmental Dimensions: On Sustainability as an Architectural Problem: Why It Is Not Enough To Discuss Space and Time Only. In B. Sevaldson, T. Bratteig, O. Smørdal (Eds.), Nordes 2009 - Engaging Artifacts (pp. 1–4). Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design.
Davidová, M. (2017). Wood as a Primary Medium to Eco-Systemic Performance: A Case Study in Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance. Czech Technical University in Prague.
Davidová, M. (2007). HOLOSLO: The Penetrating of Latent. Oslo School of Architecture and Design.
Online Teaching Content:
Davidová, M. (2020). Introduction to Systems Thinking. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Marie Davidová, MArch, MNAL, Ph.D., SF HEA is a transdisciplinary systemic and urban designer, designer, architect, researcher and educator fighting for Planetary Health. She is recently an Independent Junior Research Group Leader at the Cluster of Excellence IntCDC, University of Stuttgart, based at the Institute of Social Sciences. Before that, she has been a lecturer (teaching & research) at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA) and an affiliate of the Sustainable Places Research Institute at Cardiff University. She is a member of the Biodiversity and Resilience Action Plan Committee at the same university. Marie is a founding member and chair of Collaborative Collective practice design–research network NGO, a founding and chair of Systemic Design Association and a founding member and auditor of the Creative Systemic Research Platform Institute. She proved her university teaching proficiency when becoming a Senior Higher Education Academy Fellow (SF HEA) in 2020. This international teaching certification is based on her research within the field of practice–based research by design pedagogy that involves the real–life implementation of Systemic, Urban, Interaction and Service Design, Prototyping, CoDesign, and Empathy.
Marie defended her PhD thesis ‘Wood as a Primary Medium to Eco–Systemic Performance: The Case Study in Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance’ (Davidová, 2017) in Architecture and Urbanism in January 2018 at the Czech Technical University in Prague, the Faculty of Architecture (FA CTU), MOLAB Department. The Thesis was developed under the supervision of Miloš Florián (FLO|W) and Birger Sevaldson (Systemic Design Association / Ocean Design Research Association) and represented an in–depth case study investigation within Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance (SAAP) architectural and urban design field. In this department, Marie was also collaborating as a scientific consultant in studios FLO|W, and PET–MAT between 2013 and 2017. Before joining WSA, she was a researcher and principal investigator of projects SAAP I and II held at the Faculty of Art and Architecture at the Technical University of Liberec (FUA TUL) in cooperation with the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO).
Marie gained her master’s degree in architecture (2007) at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. The thesis ’HOLOSLO – The Penetrating of Latent’ (Davidová, 2007) developed under the supervision of Birger Sevaldson (Ocean Design Research Association) and Per Kartvedt (Archigram) was focusing on an environment–responsive urban installation and was developed with Systems Oriented Design. Marie worked as an urban designer, architect and interaction design exhibition architect in design–research practices Snøhetta and Expology in Oslo and researched and taught as a university lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art at the University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (NTNU). As a Visiting Course Leader, she taught trans–disciplinary studios in collaboration with the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences; at both the Architectural Institute in Prague and FUA TUL. For her built prototypes – ‘eco–systemic urban interventions’ – in public space, Marie founded a multi–genre community festival EnviroCity to promote her research and sustainable cities to the public. Her most recent projects ’Synergetic Landscapes’, ‘COLreg’ and ‘COLife’ propose communal more–than–human regenerative coliving and its related new economic model via blockchain and other tokens through AI.
Marie founded the Systemic Approach to Architectural Performance (SAAP) research by codesign field. This field discusses the question of cities’ adaptation to climate change and biodiversity loss. Current environmental ecology research shows that species that adapted to agricultural land hundreds of years ago recently adapted to life within the cities. Our agricultural land has become so toxic due to pesticides, etc., that the built environment now offers them better living conditions. Our cities, therefore, need to adapt to such coliving situation. The research demonstrates such adaptations through full–scale ecosystemic prototypical urban interventions, their and the ecosystem’s tokenisation and the prototypes’ historical context studies. It considers the prototypes’ design and creation process and their performance within the ‘real–life’ environment. The research covers observations of prototypes’ generative codesigning agency across the ecosystem and speculations of their futures. The agency proposes more-than-human persective, including human and non–human, living and non–living communities. Further, the work reaches a larger scale and layer by spreading its parametric DIY recipes and codes for prototypes’ locally adapted iterations for communities worldwide.
SAAP is a fusion of process–based fields formally initiated by the integration of Systems Oriented Design and Performance–Oriented Architecture. It develops methodology and generates theory through experimental practice. SAAP involves Time Based EcoSystemic TransDisciplinary CoDesign performed by biotic and abiotic agents, including humans. It belongs to the broader field of Systemic Design, considering the overall ecosystem. Marie has held guest lectures, presentations, and workshops in this field across Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, where she is also widely published and exhibited.